"Deputies Eamon Ryan and Pringle have asked similar questions but my concern is about the review process. It is one thing to have a plan but it is equally important to have a review process as that enables us to react if we are ahead of - or behind - the curve. Can our guests provide a bit more clarity on what the review process looks like? The pace of technology is so fast that the landscape may have changed dramatically in the next few years and our initial plan may need to change.
This is a European strategy but how does it sit in the global context? Is it in isolation to or oblivious of developments in other countries and on other continents? Is there delivery or a failure to deliver in other parts of the world? Does the Commission take note and react to global developments in the discussion relating to the climate?"
Sourced from and full discussion available at: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/members/member/Ian-Marshall.S.2018-04-18/